1st National conference South Zone - CNRS

Greetings, Dear CNRS family

This is to kindly inform you CNRS South Zone is organizing its 1st National conference (hybrid mode) in Sri Devaraj Urs College of Nursing, Kolar, Karnataka. 

Theme: Transformation of Nursing Research: An update

Date:- 4th August 2023

Venue: Silver Jubilee Auditorium, Sri Devaraj Urs College of Nursing, Kolar, Karnataka

Platform: Hybrid (Online and Offline)

Registration link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfdZefThfy6niGSY38r9DwQ2UWHEYu1DdrzxVdCZGmr1ZoJtQ/viewform

This is CNRS South Zone’s first activity after its launching. 

We appreciate @Sreevani Rentala Prof. Dr. R. Sreevani, President and her complete South Zone team for the efforts taken to organize the conference. 

KFA the brochure for complete details of registration, topics etc. 

For further details, you can contact CNRS South Zone team

Conference Brochure